House plants are far more than just something pretty to look at. Numerous studies done around the world have proven that having plants in your house can help boost both your mental and physical health. Not only do house plants help calm you, improve your productivity and increase your positivity, they also aid with your breathing, giving you clean and fresh air.
Here are the top twelve benefits to having house plants:
1) Plants Take Away Your Stress
A 2015 study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology proved that individuals who spend time with their houseplants have less physiological and psychological stress. Spending time with your houseplants includes watering your plants, planting seeds in soil, or smelling your plants, all of which boost your brain’s serotonin levels. Serotonin is the brain chemical that raises your happiness levels and decreases any stress and anxiety you may feel.
2) Plants Make You More Productive
Having plants around you can make you up to 15% more productive, claims a study done by The University of Exeter in 2014. Plants help to increase concentration and make individuals more invested in their work, both emotionally and physically. Plants also help to improve one’s attention-span, therefore increasing the amount of work completed.
3) Plants Clean Out Your Air

Breathing in toxic air can harm your lungs and the respiratory system overall, leading to long-term effects such as breathing problems and even cancer. Thankfully, as proven by NASA, house plants are great for filtering out toxic air and providing a household with clean, fresh air! NASA showed that houseplants’ roots and soil work to void air of toxic bacteria, pollution and dangerous chemicals.
4) Plants Are a Great Humidifier
Plants use a process called transpiration to release moisture into the air, which is especially beneficial in winter. Dry air can lead to respiratory issues, dry skin and increase the likelihood of falling ill. By raising the humidity in the air, plants help to keep you feeling and looking healthy.
5) Plants Help You Fight Off Illness

Speaking of illness, plants can help decrease your chances of catching a cold, the flu or even more serious health conditions. This is due to a mix of both psychological and physical benefits. Having less stress and anxiety means a better chance of sleeping and feeling rested. When individuals don’t get enough sleep, feel constantly worried and don’t take the time to take care of themselves, they are much more likely to fall ill.
6) Plants Promote Healthy Eating
While it is important to eat veggies, certain veggies are better for you than others. Veggies bought from the store are more inclined to contain pesticides or other unhealthy chemicals. Homegrown plants and veggies lack these and are therefore much healthier, and those who grow them for eating and cooking are more likely to eat veggies than those who do not. Growing a basil plant is a popular choice among many houseplant owners who want to add some plants into their daily meals.
7) Plants Build Awareness of the Environment

While research by Texas A & M focused on the benefits of having plants and gardens in community spaces, there are also advantages to having houseplants to increase personal environmental awareness. Having and taking care of plants in your household enhances your understanding of plants’ benefits to yourself and other people in your household, making it more impactful on a personal scale.
8) Plants Develop Your Compassion
Having and taking of house plants requires everyday routines of checking on the plants and watering them. Over time, plant owners will get to see their plants grow and transform, eventually blooming into full-grown plants. Just like taking care of children and animals boots one’s compassion, love and care, having plants can do the same. Even better, taking care of plants will make you happier and make those you come into contact with happier as well. After all, happiness is contagious.
9) Plants Boost Your Self-Esteem

Similar to compassion, plants can help boost a person’s self-esteem, especially with young children. When children help take care of houseplants, they contribute to its maintenance and love and feel successful when the plant grows healthily, boosting their own self-confidence, self-esteem and happiness. Additionally, children become more responsible, creative and cooperate with all other aspects of their lives.
10) Plants Increase Your Gratitude
Gratitude is a common mental health practice that millions worldwide partake in. The benefits of feeling gratitude are great in themselves and include higher appreciation and a more optimistic perception of the world. Harvard University noted that those who feel gratitude improve not only relationships with others but also with themselves. Keeping a plant looking beautiful and feeling healthy will make you thankful for its benefits and your ability to take care of it.
11) Plants Keep You In Tune with the Essentials

Plants are made of 90% water, more than any other living creature. Plants require water to eat, clear out toxins, and thrive and continue to grow. Of course, this is very similar to human needs, who also need water to stay healthy and function well. Watering plants using clear water through water filters ensures a plant continues to stay healthy and reminds its care-takers to keep hydrated as well.
12) Plants Remind You of Nature
Lastly, plants are a representation of nature itself, the fundamental aspect of human health and happiness. Lots of research has been done on the benefits of walking in nature and taking in the sights and sounds of forests, parks or even just a walk in the garden. With houseplants, you are reminded of nature right in your home!
In the end, there are countless reasons to have a plant in your home. Plants will improve both your mental and physical health, and they are a great view to have in any home!
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