The novel coronavirus has spread around the globe like wildfire over the past few months, and it has at least temporarily caused some extreme changes in our everyday lives. Suddenly, festivals, concerts, conferences, and other large gatherings have all but disappeared; retail outlets have closed down; supply chains have been disrupted; governments have ordered people to shelter in place, and health systems all over the world are being pushed to the limits of their capabilities. Although slowing the virus’ spread and trying to bring its devastating effects to an end may seem like a daunting task, we can all do our part to contribute. Every little bit of help counts.
Here are a few coronavirus prevention tips we all need to know if we want to defeat the virus and get our lives back to normal:
Keep Yourself Inside Your Home As Much of the Time As You Can

The best way to prevent the coronavirus from spreading is to keep yourself and anyone else who lives with you quarantined in your living space as much of the time as you can for the foreseeable future. If you are an asymptomatic carrier of the virus, you may feel like nothing is wrong but still be highly contagious. This means you could transmit it to others without even knowing you are sick.
Work from Home If It Is Possible for You to Do So

If you can do your job from your home and your employer will allow you to do so, even just part of the time, you absolutely should. Workplaces, where employees, customers, and vendors are all passing through, are the perfect environment for the virus to spread from person to person very quickly. Talk to your employer about the possibility of working from home, at least until the worst of the pandemic has subsided. For more “work-from-home” jobs, you can check websites like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, PeoplePerHour, OnlineJobs.ph, FlexJobs, VirtualVocations and among others. You can always check the internet for more information.
When You Decide to Leave Your Living Space, Practice Social Distancing

Although nearly everything you could possibly need can be delivered to your home or accessed electronically, sometimes you have to go out. When this happens, you need to practice social distancing. You should stay at least six feet away from everyone else, as this will protect you from them and them from you if either one of you coughs or sneezes.
Try Your Best to Avoid Peak Hours If You Have to Run Any Errands

If you do have to go out to replenish your stock of essential supplies try to go early in the morning or late in the evening. Retailers are less likely to be busy at these times, and scheduling your trips this way will minimize your chances of coming into close contact with anyone else. Have a plan before you go into whichever stores you need to visit so you can locate and grab your desired items quickly and efficiently, spend as little time as possible in the store and get home.
Wear a Mask When You Have to Go Out in Public

Practicing social distancing when you go out is not the only way to do your part to keep the coronavirus from spreading when you leave your home. You should also wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose to prevent yourself from breathing in any of the droplets or particulates through which the virus is transmitted, but also to prevent anyone else from inhaling the droplets that come out of your mouth or nose. You do not need a medical-grade protective mask. You can make your own out of a sock, a bandana, a hand towel or some other cloth item you have at home. Use whatever you can find to make sure you have a protective face covering.
Remember That It Is Up to All of Us to Overcome the Challenge at Hand
It is up to all of us to do our part in stopping the coronavirus’ global spread. If you follow the tips listed above, you will be doing yourself and those around you a favor. Without collective action, planning, and sacrifice, the virus will be far more formidable an enemy than we are prepared to handle. The small sacrifices you make now to keep yourself and others safe will go a long way. If we act together, the whole of our collective actions will be far greater than the sum of its parts.
Stay home. Keep yourself healthy. Follow the government and let us all pray this crisis will be over soon. When everything resets and life will go back to normal, may we all value living more and live life to the fullest.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10