Mother’s Day is just around the corner and for this year, celebrating this significant occasion would be different from what we had in the past years. Since the worldwide lockdown started due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our movement outside our home is limited- malls, restaurants, and other non-essential establishments were closed. Outdoor activities are also limited. Times like this invite us to think creatively on how we can celebrate such a significant occasion like Mother’s Day during the quarantine. We listed down simple, yet cool ideas of how we can celebrate Mother’s Day in this time of pandemic and gifts that you can give to your mother.
Set-up a Fancy Dinner for your Mom

Simple yet meaningful, setting-up for a fancy dinner for your mother will surely feel like she is valued and loved. Make the atmosphere of the dining room lovely by playing your Mom’s favorite songs, cook her favorite dish, organize the table spread, and surprise her with a mini-performance from you like singing her all-time favorite love song, games that everyone can participate in. This might be old but at this time of the pandemic, it is one way of showing our love to her. PRO TIP – make the most of the evening by holding this special occasion outdoors right in your lawn or garden, just make sure you turn the space lovely.
Surprise Her in Bed

While she is asleep, you can sneak into her room and prepare a huge greeting poster with balloons and poppers. When she is awake, surprise her with a loud popping of confetti and altogether, greet her Happy Mother’s Day! You can also put your message card beside her bed to warm her heart plus, you may take a photo of your Mom with her bed face and unruly hair. What a way to start her day with a festive mood, she may even cook your favorite dish for that day!
Make your Mama Proud!

Being a mother is not an easy task, there’s no day-off in a week just to look after us. What if we took care of her on Mother’s Day? We will be the one to look after her, and we will do her errands for a day to let her feel that she is the boss of the house. Simple yet not costly, in this small way, reciprocate her unconditional care to us.
Organize a Zoom Party

If you are leaving from a distance away from your Mom, you may still celebrate her special day through a virtual party. Share your fondest memories of her together with your siblings by showing your old photos with her or memorable stories or bonding with her. Prior to that day, ensure that all of your siblings have a stable internet connection and audible sounds.
Subscription to Her Favorite Online Movies or Series

No one, not even our Mom, is safe from K-Drama (Korean Drama) fever. In fact, they are the keenest and savvy on what is the latest movies or series uploaded on Netflix, HOOQ, or Viu. This Mother’s Day, let’s give her a digital subscription to her favorite magazine, online streaming, and other app-based services that she likes.
Sweets and Flowers

Nothing beats the old style! Give cake and flowers on her special day! Though at this time, finding flower shops that offer delivery might be hard, you may still give her flowers that are not bought from the shop. Be creative! Make a bouquet of money flowers, or chocolate flowers, or even a bouquet of messages crafted like flowers. Cakes and other pastries can be ordered through app-based delivery. Just make sure you allot enough time for the day interval of delivery.
Household Cleaning Agents

Most of you might find it weird but for mothers, it is the best gift in this time of the pandemic. Mothers are naturally germaphobes and cleaning their house, for some is a stress- reliever. By giving this to household cleaning agents, we make her day very special. You can order online cleaning agents from Instagram or through their website.
Aroma Diffuser, Scented Candles and the like

Now we understand why most Moms are obsessed with aromatic diffusers, air purifiers, and scented candles – because it makes the smell of the room more pleasant and inviting. Having this kind of gift for your Mom will make their face glow.
Security for Future

Given the current situation we have, it is important that we consider our Mom’s health. Enroll your mother in health insurance coverage or provide her with an insurance plan. It is one way of saying thank you for making us secure as we grow old.
Give Her a Pet

Though some are away from their mother, giving her another company can make their boredom go away. Give her a pet like a dog or a cat. Pets can be a stress reliever and anxiety wader during this quarantine. It can make the room happy with a dog or cat roaming around the house.
Be with Her

Though the situation might not permit us to go anywhere and health measures must strictly observe, if possible if you are a few blocks away from your mother’s house, why not pay a visit to her. Just ensure to sanitize and follow sanitary measures before entering your mother’s house, or if the situation did not permit, schedule an online meeting. What’s the best gift we can give to our Mom is our presence on her special day. And, don’t forget to bring a potluck for lunch or dinner if you drop by at your mother’s house.
Despite the crisis that we are facing, celebrating one’s special day can’t stop us especially this coming Mother’s Day. There are more ways to cherish this day aside from what we have listed but what is most special is to show how much we love and care for the one who nurtures us, for the one who educated us, for the one who taught us to stand and walk, the one we owe much. Let’s live life to the fullest and that includes our family, our mom.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there!
How are you celebrating Mother’s Day this year?Let us know in the comments below.
We’d love to hear your ideas! 
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. 26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”
Proverbs 31:25-28
New International Version (NIV)