Moving can be a very stressful experience. Sometimes it can involve leaving one coast for another coast. There may be kids, pets, parents, chronically ill, and friends involved. Sometimes, things get broken, damaged, or completely lost. But moving can also be a very smooth process! And there are so many things to look forward to when moving to a new home.
1. Internet (or lack thereof)

Maybe you are moving to the country in the effort to unplug and reconnect with nature. You might have big plans to start a garden, get some chickens, and cut your own firewood. Maybe you have already made the fire pit, bought a guitar, and are mentally preparing yourself for the serenity that comes with friends and family around a fire, warm apple cider in hand. And, you are leaving behind the television, the internet, and most electronics.
Maybe you are sick of the country and have decided to move where the lights are always on. The fast pace of living will ease you into a new stream of consciousness. There will be happy hours, art museums, and shows galore. The best part is: endless cafes that include free wifi.
Regardless, you are fully prepared to embrace the change. Perhaps you have bought a few extra books, or made a list of movies you are going to stream. Maybe you have started collecting addresses, or maybe you have planned video chats with all your friends. No matter what you have decided, the Internet (or lack thereof) is the highlight of the move.
2. Food

Moving to a new home often means scouting out new food places. You are probably leaving your favorite restaurant or grocery store behind. Maybe you come from a place where there is a thriving farmer’s market or fishery. Maybe you are moving to a new country where the cuisine is nothing like you have ever experienced before.
Will you finally be able to start growing your own food in your own backyard? Will there be a network of other local growers near you where you can learn the rules of the trade? Will there be local, 100% grass fed and grass finished cattle? Are you moving near the coast and will be eating fresh seafood for the very first time?
Maybe you are moving into the city where authentic cuisine from thousands of different countries can be delivered straight to your door. You might have to learn how to container garden. Maybe there are cooking classes you will be able to take to learn the ingredients and methods of baking true sourdough bread. There could be a world-renowned bakery or chocolate shop. Chances are, no matter your circumstances, there will be something new and exciting for you to taste.
3. Space

Are you moving to a smaller space? A larger space? If downsizing, you might be excited about how much less you will have to clean. You can finally get rid of all that clutter. Maybe you have always longed for a cozier setting, perhaps with more space outside rather than inside.
On the other hand, you have just started a family and the extra space will keep you sane. You might have just bought your first table setting, or painted a couple paintings that you need wallspace to hang up. Your new home has just the right nooks and crannies to fill with everything you have, and you are excited to finally make your living space a home.
Your kitchen might finally have that dishwasher, or the double sink. Maybe you can do away with the microwave you have never wanted. Or perhaps the countertop has enough room to cut up your vegetables on a cutting board and place them in a bowl right beside the cutting board. It is the little things, after all, that make us truly happy.
4. Laundry

You might finally have a washing machine and dryer, or better yet, a laundry room! No longer do you have to hang the clothes up on the line and snag them down in the rain. Maybe you have the shelving you need in order to store your homemade laundry detergents and drying sheets, all those towels and bed sheets, dog food, cat food and litter box. You name it, the laundry room is way overdue.
5. Dishes

In your fancy new kitchen is a dishwasher. Perhaps you have been living in the city where there was no space for a dishwasher in your tiny shoebox apartment. Maybe you have never even seen a dishwasher before! Now you finally have time to take a breath between chores because you can pop your dishes in the dishwasher and run it in a few days.
Maybe you are thrilled to not have a dishwasher. It is just a nuisance and besides, you want to go back to the slower pace of life. You live by yourself and use just a couple dishes. A dishwasher was simply a waste of space and resources. Besides, it makes a loud noise and uses up a lot of water.
6. Family

If you are making a move, chances are you are moving away or closer to family. Maybe you are young and ready to spread your wings. Your family loves you and is happy to see you move on. You might have found a partner and the two of you are moving into a new home together. Things are truly about to get exciting, and while you are moving far away from home, you know your family will always be there for you.
Perhaps you have been gone for too long. It has been years since you last gave your mom and dad a hug. Moving closer to home, you will get to see your parents more often, help them with the yard and any home repairs. They will cook you homemade food and babysit your kids. There will be more potlucks, games, and late night conversations about memories made in the past.
7. Water

You might be moving to the coast and there is a beach just minutes away. Or maybe you are sick of the hurricanes that sweep through and are moving to the mountains where there is a trickling stream right outside your back porch.
Maybe you are moving to the city where the city water is finally drinkable and even tastes good. On the other hand, maybe you have finally moved to that small town of your dreams, but you need to invest in a good quality water filter because the water tastes like chlorine.
Better yet, you have moved off grid and have access to a well. Never before have you tasted something so refreshing, invigorating and sweet.
8. Surroundings

Moving to a new home means you will have a new neighborhood. There might be kids the same age as your own kids. Perhaps the community has a pool, or regular cookouts. There might be a band that plays at the local tiki bar every Thursday night.
On the other hand, your closest neighbor might be two miles down the road, and to get there, you have to take a horse through the woods! You never know. Maybe you finally moved near a national park and can spend your weekends hiking through the trails, perhaps training for a longer backpacking trip.
9. Fresh Smelling House

Reality begins to set in when you walk into your new home, and you realize it is officially yours. You smell that new home smell. The walls are empty, the floors are clean, there is not a single piece of furniture. New memories will be made. It is a fresh start.
10. New People

Even if you do not have any neighbors, or you live in a busy city and the neighbors population is overwhelming, you are bound to meet new people: perhaps at your new job, or if you work remotely, then maybe when you are working at the coffee shop down the street.
You might find a new home workout buddy, or maybe you someone who works at the local health foods store. She will order your favorite brand of whole wheat flour.
11. Independence

Moving to a new home often means more independence. You probably picked the home out yourself and are finally able to afford it with the help of your friend or partner. Regardless, you own the place.
12. Creativity

The new home is yours to set up, exactly the way you want it, on your own time, with whatever you want.
Moving to a new home is full of uncertainties, but is nonetheless exciting. The further along you get into your move, the more real it will become. You will begin to appreciate everything you left behind, live life to the fullest and be increasingly grateful for all that is still to come.
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